A simple guide to viewing a sequential list of loaded stylesheets in Google Chrome

I've been trying to figure out the loading order of CSS stylesheets in Google Chrome, but I'm finding it a bit confusing. Despite my attempts to use Dev Tools -> Network tab -> filter for Stylesheets, I keep getting different results each time I reload the page. No matter if I choose Timeline, Start Time or End Time, the order seems to change randomly without replicating the actual cascade determined by the HTML.

What could be causing this inconsistency?

Answer №1

The sequence in which stylesheet files are loaded doesn't matter since they are typically loaded simultaneously. However, they are processed in the correct order, so the Network tab cannot be relied upon for this information.

To accurately determine the order of imported files, you can utilize the document.styleSheets property. Running the following code snippet in the console will list the imported files in their correct order while showing null values for inline stylesheets:

;(function() { for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){ console.log(document.styleSheets[i].href); } })()

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