What is the best way to continuously add items to a div until their heights are equal?

In my layout, I have two divs positioned next to each other. Typically, the left div displays n+2 items while the right div displays n items. The value of n changes depending on the category and is already set. However, there are instances where certain items in the left div have greater height than usual. What is the best way to add more items to the right div so that both divs have similar heights?

Answer №1

Would you like to give this a try?

let $leftColumn = $('#left_column');
let $rightColumn = $('#right_column');

while($leftColumn.height() > $rightColumn.height()){

In this code snippet, $contentToAdd can be anything you wish to include in your right column.

Another approach is setting a threshold:

let threshold = 200;
let $leftColumn = $('#left_column');
let $rightColumn = $('#right_column');

while(Math.abs($leftColumn.height() - $rightColumn.height()) < threshold){

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