Delete the browsing cache in Internet Explorer from an external source

Currently, I am working on developing an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio. However, a persistent issue I am facing is that every time I launch the application, Internet Explorer caches certain CSS and JS files. This forces me to manually clear the cache before running the app.

I attempted to address this problem by adding an external command in VS2012 based on this tutorial. Unfortunately, the command only runs once, and then it becomes unresponsive (I have yet to determine what triggers this one-time action).

At this point, I am seeking suggestions for a potential solution, whether it be through VS configuration, an external tool, a command line script, or any other method that would allow me to clear the cache with a single click without having to manually open IE.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Great news! I finally discovered a solution to my issue. It's surprising that I overlooked it, but the IE debugging window actually has a built-in option for clearing the cache.

I searched extensively but couldn't find a similar feature in Chrome (I didn't check FF and Safari), but since I'm currently focused on IE, it's not a problem.

By the way, I attempted various other methods like writing scripts or deleting registry entries, but unfortunately none of them proved to be effective. Some temporary fixes even reverted after restarting the machine. Hopefully, someone will devise a more efficient approach soon.

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