A program designed to automatically upload images

I'm currently working on a website project that showcases various events. Here is a sneak peek:


While I can customize the HTML and CSS to add more events similar to the one shown above, it becomes tedious having to manually update the code every time. Is there a way to automate this process? For example, could I input event details like name, date, image, etc., into a form and have it generate an event display like the one in the image?

To elaborate further, I am looking for a script that generates the following structure based on the information provided:

<div class="item active">
  <img class="img-responsive" src="imagens/aero.jpg" alt="Image">
  <div class="carousel-caption">
    <h3>Aerosmith em São Paulo</h3>
    <p>More Information</p>

Essentially, I envision a form that automatically creates the following:

<div class="item active">


Then, I would insert an image:

   <div class="item active">
 <div class="item active">
   <img class="img-responsive" src="imagens/aero.jpg" alt="Image">
   <div class="carousel-caption">

Followed by inputting some information about the event:

  <div class="item active">
      <img class="img-responsive" src="imagens/aero.jpg" alt="Image">
      <div class="carousel-caption">
        <h3>Aerosmith em São Paulo</h3>
        <p>More Information</p>

Once the information is added and submitted, the output will resemble the example above.

Answer №1

Considering the creation of a CMS, one might opt to either develop their own system for sheer enjoyment or utilize an existing platform that is user-friendly and easy to host. An example of such a platform could be Wordpress.

Alternatively, exploring a static site generator like hugo may prove beneficial. This tool generates html pages directly on your computer, which can then be uploaded to your chosen hosting provider.

If you choose to go with Hugo, each event will require a unique page template, along with a data file using formats like json or yml containing all necessary event information.

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