A CSS-only table featuring three cells that automatically resize on the left and right

I currently have three elements in a row that I am displaying using a table:

      <td id='td1'>some text</td>
      <td id='td2' style='width:600px;'>some text</td>
      <td id='td3'>some text</td>

I am looking for a way to resize both the left and right cells simultaneously when the browser window is resized. I'm wondering if this can be achieved without the use of JavaScript.

Although I have experimented with CSS resize, it seems to not work in Internet Explorer. I've also tried adjusting the widths of the cells, but so far have had no success. As someone new to CSS, I'm finding this quite challenging.

Is there a possible solution to this issue? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Not sure if it would work on mobile, but have you experimented with....

        <col class="first" />
        <col />
        <col class="last" />

You can then utilize the col.first and col.last classes to customize the styling using css.

Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/html-markup/col.html

Additionally, make sure to eliminate all inline css in your html. Keeping css separate will simplify maintenance of the document through css files. Also, avoid using IDs for td elements and consistently use " to enclose html attribute values.

Another option is to include:

table {
    table-layout: fixed;

This will prevent the browser from calculating the initial width of each cell based on their content and instead assign them equal widths initially. (The height will still adjust according to content.) You can then override specific columns with css.

Answer №2

experiment with this css suggestion


this technique is effective.

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