Expanding the blank area on the right margin of the page

Recently, I took a responsive website template and converted it into an ASP.NET MVC app. However, I've encountered some peculiar behavior when resizing the browser window. As the width of the window decreases below 986 pixels, a mysterious white "space" appears on the right side of the content. This space seems to expand as the window becomes smaller (as shown by the red zig-zag in the picture).

If you want to see the issue for yourself, you can visit the site at www.prophysique.com. I have used developer tools to investigate the source of this extra space but haven't been successful in pinpointing the problem. Can anyone suggest any solutions or techniques I could use to identify where this space is coming from?

Answer №1

update: It seems like the issue is stemming from your Facebook widget. The width set on it is causing it to extend beyond the boundaries of your content box.

The .caption_style1 class has a width of 1170px, but removing that reduces some of the unnecessary space. Additionally, there appears to be excessive padding and margin on the h4 element within that class, although removing it doesn't seem to solve the spacing issue entirely.

It's likely that there is another element in your code with a specific width set that is wider than the browser window when it's less than 986px wide.

The white space you're seeing is due to elements with background colors set to 100%, so if the window requires a scrollbar (caused by an element exceeding the window width), the color doesn't extend into the scrollable area.

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