A CSS class that inherits properties from another class

I have a simple question that I can't seem to find any documentation on the internet for. It's possible that my search terms were not quite right...

Let's consider a CSS class called centered, which centers elements and performs other actions.

I am wondering if all elements of the news class can inherit from the centered class.

There are a few solutions to this:

  • Define all the attributes of centered in news

    .centered { X; Y; Z }
    .news { X; Y; Z; A; B }

  • Add both classes to my HTML tags:

    .centered { X; Y; Z }
    .news { A; B }

    <div class="news centered">...</div>

I'm looking for a way to achieve something like this:

.centered { X; Y; Z }
.news { all_the_properties_of_centered; A; B }

then I could declare my news with

<div class="news">...</div>

Is it feasible?

Answer №1

I recommend exploring either LESS CSS or SASS as they both have the capability to fulfill your requirements and provide additional valuable features.

Answer №2

The easiest method is:

.middle, .information { X; Y; Z }
.information { A; B }

Answer №3

Sorry, CSS does not have a feature similar to extend. However, you can achieve the same effect using the following method:

.centered, .news { X; Y; Z }
.news { A; B } /* additional rules */

There is a property called inherit in CSS, but it does not work by inheriting from another CSS class. It actually inherits styles from the default element style. For more information, refer to Hanky Panky's comment.

Answer №4

For optimal results, I recommend utilizing Emmet, formerly known as Zen coding, for creating these combinations. Emmet is efficient and greatly enhances productivity when used in a structured manner.

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