Adjusting image width to fit the screen while maintaining its aspect ratio and maximum size

I am seeking a solution to display an image that adjusts its width to fit the browser screen, while also resizing its height according to the aspect ratio without exceeding its original size. I came across this post, and although it provided some guidance, it does not meet my exact requirements. How can I achieve this?

The code snippet from the answer:

(function ($) {

$.fn.photoResize = function (options) {

    var element = $(this), 
        values = {
            bottomSpacing: 10

    $(element).load(function () {

        $(window).bind('resize', function () {

    options = $.extend(values, options);

    function updatePhotoHeight() {
        var settings = options, 
            photoHeight = $(window).height();

        $(element).attr('height', photoHeight - settings.bottomSpacing);


Answer №1

Achieving this behavior doesn't require JavaScript at all. You can easily accomplish it using basic CSS

Check out the DEMO here

Here is the CSS code:


Explanation of how it works:

The max-width:100%; property ensures that the element will not exceed 100% of its container's width. This means if the image is wider than the container, it will be resized to fit within the container while utilizing the entire available width. If the container is wider than the image, the image maintains its original size.

The height:auto; property:

The browser automatically calculates and sets a height for the specified element. (Learn more on MDN)

As a result, the aspect ratio of the image remains intact based on the image's width.

Answer №2

I successfully resolved the code mentioned in the original post.

Check out the Github repository for the rewritten version of the initial plugin.

    upscaleImageWidth: false,
    upscaleImageHeight: false

This solution addresses the issue by also considering the viewport height, a factor not accounted for in a CSS-only approach. It represents an enhanced iteration of the concept initially presented by the OP.

Here is the complete code for the plugin:

(function ($) {
    $.fn.photoResize = function (options) {
        var element = $(this),
            defaults = {
                bottomSpacing: 10,
                rightSpacing: 20,
                unscaledHeight: $(element).height(),
                unscaledWidth: $(element).width(),
                upscaleImageWidth: true,
                upscaleImageHeight: true

        options = $.extend(defaults, options);

        $(element).load(function () {


        $(window).bind('resize', function () {

        function changeDimensions() {
            if (options.unscaledHeight == 0) {
                options.unscaledHeight = $(element).height();
                options.unscaledWidth = $(element).width();

            if (options.unscaledHeight == 0) return;

            var maxDisplayHeight = $(window).height() - $(element).offset().top - options.bottomSpacing;
            var maxDisplayWidth = $(window).width() - $(element).offset().left - options.rightSpacing;
            var desiredHeight = maxDisplayHeight < options.unscaledHeight || options.upscaleImageHeight ? maxDisplayHeight : options.unscaledHeight;
            var desiredWidth = maxDisplayWidth < options.unscaledWidth || options.upscaleImageWidth ? maxDisplayWidth : options.unscaledWidth;
            var currHeight = $(element).height();
            var currWidth = $(element).width();

            if (currHeight != desiredHeight || currWidth != desiredWidth) {
                if (desiredHeight / options.unscaledHeight <= desiredWidth / options.unscaledWidth) {
                    $(element).width(options.unscaledWidth * desiredHeight / options.unscaledHeight);
                } else {
                    $(element).height(options.unscaledHeight * desiredWidth / options.unscaledWidth);

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