Wrap text without breaking them into multiple lines

After tirelessly working on sending out HTML-formatted e-mails through a web server, everything seemed to be going smoothly. The content displayed nicely, but there was one glaring issue - word wrapping. A single line of text kept extending endlessly, resulting in a frustrating horizontal scrollbar on popular e-mail web clients.

Determined to find a solution, I delved into some research. I decided to try

<div style="width: 100%; word-break: break-word;"><!-- Content here --></div>
, and it did solve the problem, but it came with a new challenge - my words were being cut off. My goal now is to have the words flow to the next line while still maintaining proper word wrap.

According to other sources online, the <div> tag should automatically handle word wrapping. However, it seems that this doesn't translate well on web e-mail clients. I suspect there might be some underlying CSS causing this issue, but I haven't had a chance to investigate further.

If anyone has a solution or suggestion to offer, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm hesitant to resort to server-side formatting as it seems cumbersome, and I fear it might render differently across various web e-mail clients... thank you!

Answer №2

There seems to be a mysterious force at play preventing the text from wrapping normally. To truly understand what's going on, we'd need a peek behind the curtain or at least a closer look at the situation. In a straightforward scenario, adding this CSS rule (to the div) could do the trick:

white-space: normal;

Although it's the default value, something might be overriding it. If that doesn't solve the issue, consider trying:

white-space: normal !important;

Avoid using word-break: break-word as it literally breaks words, just like its name implies. It's intended for languages that allow word breaks anywhere.

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