With two divs side by side, the second div is covering part of the first div when viewed on a mobile device

Recently, I encountered an issue with the mobile version of my website while using a modified classic theme for Prestashop 1.7.6. If you'd like to take a look, here is the link to the site.

Within the footer section, there are two consecutive divs, each containing its own unique content. The first div is identified by the ID block_myaccount_infos, while the second one has the class block-contact.

The first div includes a custom JavaScript function designed to show dropdown content, similar to previous sections on the page. However, upon inspection with the Chrome developer tool, it became apparent that the second div was overlapping the first div.


To troubleshoot this issue, I added a line break tag between the two divs, which temporarily resolved the problem. Unfortunately, this is not a suitable long-term solution as I require both divs to remain on the same line in the desktop version of the site.

Answer №1

It appears that a solution to your problem may involve adjusting some CSS settings.

@media (max-width: 1025px)
#footer #block_myaccount_infos {
    width: 34%;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;

The root cause of the issue lies in the float: left; property in your CSS.

To resolve this, consider modifying or removing the <br> element in your HTML along with the mentioned CSS property adjustment. Hopefully, this suggestion proves helpful in resolving your issue.

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