I am having trouble with an email that displays properly on every platform except Lotus Notes. Can anyone provide insight as to why this email is not rendering correctly in Notes? Here is a screenshot:
img (please note the images are for demonstration purposes only)
The email appears to be truncated - it seems that the issue lies in the second section, which starts where you can find the image:
img src="http://kimjongeun.org/images/body.png".
There is excessive padding on the right and left sides of the text, causing the spacing to be off. There are TDs on both the right and left sides acting as padding (50px each). I have attempted to remove these TDs without success.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Troubleshooting Help Needed</title>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="600">
<td colspan="4" height="212"><img src="http://kimjongeun.org/images/thanks.jpg" border="0" alt="Thank You from your friends at Derp!" title="Thank you from your friends at Derp!"></td>
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