Why does this element on Safari have a focus outline appearing even before it is clicked?

The issue is occurring specifically in Safari, and you can see it firsthand by clicking the "chat now" button located in the lower right corner of the screen:

Upon clicking the "chat now" button, the chat window's minimize button displays a focus outline. I have been unable to determine why this outline appears by default, as it is not outlined anywhere in the CSS.

Here's a screenshot for reference.

Answer â„–1

Upon opening the dialog, the browser appears to believe that

is in focus. This can be confirmed by running the command document.activeElement in the console panel of the code inspector. As you navigate through the dialog using the tab key and check document.activeElement after each tab, the focus shifts to the "welcome" <div> (for what reason?), followed by the three <input> elements, the "by submitting" <label> (once more, why?), and finally the "start chat" <button>.

(It's worth noting that the <div> and <label> elements are not interactive elements, which raises the question as to why the focus moves to them.)

Continuing to navigate via tabbing brings the focus back to the top of the dialog—first to the minimize button, then to the close button. Strangely, instead of the actual <button> elements receiving focus, it's the

that captures the attention. This suggests that there may be some pre-programmed JavaScript within the custom
element that redirects focus to an internal component.

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