Why does `overflow-wrap: break-words` behave differently from `word-break: break-words` and which one is more effective in certain situations?

What is the distinction between overflow-wrap: break-words and word-break: break-words?

While many sources claim that there is no difference, my personal experiments suggest otherwise:

<!-- truly breaks words -->
<table style="width: 100px; border: 1px solid red">
      <div style="word-break: break-word">

<!-- does not fully break words -->
<table style="width: 100px; border: 1px solid red">
      <div style="overflow-wrap: break-word">


Why does one case function correctly while the other does not?

Answer №1

They are exhibiting this particular behavior due to the presence of tables in this specific context.

Tables do not necessarily conform to a specified width; they can expand based on their content unless table-layout: fixed is applied.

This scenario resembles the discussion found at ,

The distinction lies in how minimum content intrinsic sizes are computed. Soft wrap possibilities introduced by line breaks are considered for word-break: break-word but not for overflow-wrap: break-word. To illustrate the contrast between them, let's consider an element that adjusts according to its minimum content intrinsic size, such as a float:

In this case, it is the behavior related to table width calculation that is causing this, rather than being triggered by a float element.

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