Why do I see my footer displayed twice on the page?

<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li>@Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")</li>
      @Ajax.ActionLink("Imagenes List", "Images", "Home", new { page = 0 }, new AjaxOptions()
        HttpMethod = "GET",
        UpdateTargetId = "divImage",
        InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace

Two links in the _Layout: @Html.ActionLink and @Ajax.ActionLink

A div container used for AJAX calls

<div id="divImage" class="container body-content">
  <hr />

And a footer.

<footer class="container body-content">
  <p>&copy; @DateTime.Now.Year - My ASP.NET Application</p>

The issue arises with @Ajax.ActionLink showing the footer twice compared to @Html.ActionLink.

The problem was resolved by changing the return for the "Images" action to return PartialView() or setting Layout = null;

However, I am curious why only AJAX requires this fix. Is my solution adequate?

My assumption is there might be something related to CSS causing this issue, but I'm unsure what to look for.

Answer №1

When working with AJAX, it becomes necessary as it involves injecting content into an already existing view. The initial rendering of the view includes the entire layout, and then additional layouts are inserted during the AJAX call.

In contrast, in the other scenario, only the main view is rendered, resulting in a single layout being used.

Answer №2

To include it in the body section, follow these steps (this is the main cshtml file):

-body id="miau"- @Html.Partial("PartialView1", Model.partialModel) -/body-

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