Why do certain full screen websites not align with my screen width properly?

When I use my 1920px wide screen and inspect the HTML tag with Chrome DevTools on websites like Firebase or Facebook Messenger, I notice a difference:

Despite my screen width being 1920px, these websites appear fullscreen with an HTML tag width of 1440px. Why is there a difference in width between my screen and the HTML tag, and how can I achieve this effect?

Answer №1

If you designate the width of the body of your HTML as a fixed 1440px, it will remain that size regardless of the user's screen dimensions. An alternative approach is to set the width to width: 100%; and include a max-width: 1440px. This allows the body to adjust its size based on the screen size - expanding to fit smaller screens and capping at 1440px for larger ones.

If I am understanding your question correctly, you have a sidebar menu and dashboard that should occupy the full screen. In this scenario, you could do:

.side-menu {
  width: 20%;

.dashboard {
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 1440px;

@media (min-width: 1500px) {
  .side-menu {
    width: 100%

Utilizing media queries allows you to assign different CSS properties to elements in your HTML based on screen size. In this example, if the screen size is under 1440px, the sidebar takes up 20% while the dashboard occupies 80%. If the screen size is 1500px or greater (slightly larger than the max-width of the dashboard to accommodate the sidebar), the dashboard remains at 1440px and the sidebar fills the remaining screen width with width: 100%.

Of course, for larger websites like Facebook, considerations extend beyond just CSS as they need to factor in data flow, user devices, and various other factors.

Answer №2

It appears that either your PC has a DPI scaling setting enabled or the zoom level in your browser is above 100%.

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