Why are the UI components (`Card Number`, `MM/YY`, `CVC`) not being displayed in the React app when using Card

Having an issue where the CardElement Ui component is not visible in the image provided. It should appear above the Order Total: $0 next to the payment method.

I've attempted various debugging methods without success. I'm still working on resolving this, and any guidance from experienced developers would be greatly appreciated. Below are snippets of my code including Payment.js, Payment.css, and App.js

This is Payment.js

[code snippet]

This is Payment.css

[code snippet]

This is App.js

[code snippet]

package.json in the src folder

[code snippet]

Could someone explain why Express isn't compatible with Node v17/18? If I downgrade to Node v16, will it cause issues with other JS code in my project?

Package.json in the function folder

[code snippet]

In tutorial videos, they seem to resolve this quickly, but I'm struggling to debug. Any assistance in identifying the problem would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

When setting up your Route in the App.js file for /payment, it is recommended to pass a single component instead of already wrapping your component in the <Elements> component. I have encountered issues where Stripe elements do not function properly when set up this way. It is better to create a separate component that will render your Payment component wrapped in the <Elements> component. Here is some pseudocode to guide you:

const ParentComponent = () => {
    return (
            <Payments />

To implement this in your App.js component, follow these steps:


        <Header />,
        <ParentComponent />

Answer №2

After much searching, I finally stumbled upon the perfect fix. The older iterations of stripe/react-stripe-js were incompatible with react18. The solution was simple: just update to the latest version of react-stripe-js.

Give this a try: npm install stripe/react-stripe-js@latest

It did the trick for me!

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