While reviewing my HTML code, I couldn't locate a particular line of code responsible for changing the display of my webpage. However, upon inspecting the element, I discovered that

<h2><a class="label label-info" target="_blank" href="http://www.avis.com.pk/"> Avis</h2> </a>
 <h4> <span class="label label-primary"> Rent A Car Service</span></h4>

There is an Inspect Element image attached showing a line, but that line does not exist in my code.


Answer №1

There was an error in closing the tags on the first line:

<h2><a class="label label-info" target="_blank" href="http://www.avis.com.pk/"> Avis</h2> </a>

The correct way to close the tags is to first close the anchor tag </a> and then close the heading tag as </h2>. It should be like this:

<h2><a class="label label-info" target="_blank" href="http://www.avis.com.pk/"> Avis</a> </h2>

Answer №2

You have mistakes in the way you closed your tags.


Make sure to close the <a> tag before moving on to the <h2> tag.

<h2><a class="label label-info" target="_blank" href="http://www.avis.com.pk/"> Avis</a></h2>
<h4> <span class="label label-primary"> Rent A Car Service</span></h4>

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