Formatting specific elements within an array

I am working with an array of names, some of which are repeated. These names are then split in half and displayed as li. One thing I am struggling to figure out is how to style the name Joeyc with text-decoration: line-through; on all instances of .book where joeyc is present. Check out my code snippet below along with a link to a JSFiddle:

 <div id="book1" class="book">
       <ul class="hardcover_front">
       <ul class="hardcover_back">
       <ul class="book_spine">
    .(similar blocks for book2-book10)

var votenames = ["Joeyc", "JakeP97", "Joeyc", "TheKid", "Joeyc", "TheKid", "Joeyc", "JakeP97", "ExploreMeDora", "Alvaro"];
var ballots = ["#book1", "#book2", "#book3", "#book4", "#book5", "#book6", "#book7", "#book8", "#book9", "#book10"];

function splitName(plName,ballotNum) {
    var halfplName = Math.round(plName.length / 2);
    var firstplName = plName.substr(0, halfplName);
    var lastplName = plName.substr(halfplName, plName.length);
    $(ballotNum + ' ul.hardcover_front').find('li:nth-child(2)').html(firstplName);
    $(ballotNum + ' ul.hardcover_back').find('li:nth-child(1)').html(lastplName);

for (i=0; i<ballots.length; i++) {

Here's the link to the JSFiddle.

Answer №1

While CSS selectors are unable to target elements based on their content, jQuery selectors offer a solution for this limitation:

$('li:contains("two")').css("text-decoration", "line-through");
<script src=""></script>

However, an alternative approach might be to dynamically generate the HTML code using your script. This way, you can easily apply CSS styles or classes to specific elements based on the corresponding array item.

Answer №2

If you want to find a specific <li> element based on a certain condition, you can use an if statement to search for it.

Once you have located the desired element, you can apply a CSS class using the following code snippet:


This will allow you to add your preferred style to the element.

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