I'm attempting to convert this image into a button. It works fine when acquiring the image through a website URL (not from my own website), but it doesn't work when using a relative path. The image just won't show up.
For instance:
.my-class {
content: url(http://themedemo.wpeka.com/wp-content/themes/apppress/images/icons/included/color.png);
will function, however, the following example with the URL as a file path with the same downloaded image from the above URL:
.my_class {
content: url(/img/color.png);
Leaving out or including quotes didn't lead to any success.
My directory structure looks like: -CSS->styles->general->style.css -color.png
So, for testing purposes, I placed color.png and the CSS folder at the same level within the project.
I did get it to work when I tried:
contents: url(../../../color.png);
but not:
contents: url(/color.ong);
EDIT: I feel silly now. Thanks everyone for your assistance - something finally clicked in my brain.