When utilizing a JQuery .animate function to transition a div from 0px to 450px in height, an unintended margin is produced during the process

I have been attempting to implement a collapsible footer using JQuery. While I have successfully integrated all the animation functions, there seems to be an issue with the animate function affecting the div (id=draw) by creating an unseen margin beneath it that pushes down any elements below it by the same height as the animated css value.

Here is the code snippet used:

$("#open").click(function () {
$("#close, .shadow").click(function () {

To better understand what I am explaining, please visit and click on the "open" option in the footer.

Your assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Update: I apologize for any confusion, my actual intention is to have the main container div move upwards in a similar manner (or at least create a similar effect), causing the content above to disappear off the page in relation to the newly expanded bottom div.

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is due to the animation applied to the main container div, moving it 450px up. If you navigate back to the top of the page post-click, you'll notice the div is no longer visible. To fix this, simply delete that line of code and everything should function correctly.

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