When using tinymce, remember to paste the HTML tag <poll poll-id="'POLL ID'"> in

Every time I attempt to paste in the code editor, it cuts off my tag. The editor simply won't allow it... I'm at a loss, I've exhausted all options.

Is there anyone who can assist me?

<div class="polls form" id="poll-container" ng-app="poll">
<poll poll-id="'POLL ID'"></poll>

Please help!

<div class="polls form" id="poll-container" ng-app="poll"></div>

extended_valid_elements: 'poll[poll-id|defer|language|src|type]',
custom_elements: "*[*]",
valid_elements: "*[*]",


extended_valid_elements: "*[*]",
custom_elements: "*[*]",
valid_elements: "*[*]",

I've tried numerous other things... but nothing seems to work :(

Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with Tinymce when the tag is left empty. Simply inserting a character inside it prevents it from being removed.

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