When using mobile browsers and the screen width is at its maximum

I am in desperate need of help with this issue, can someone please provide guidance?

I am currently working on optimizing a webpage for mobile devices using CSS media queries. In the <head> section, I have included the following:

<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes" />

However, I am facing some challenges when testing the media queries:

1) While testing on my Huawei Ideos X1, which has a display width of 240px. Therefore, the CSS should be as follows:

@media (max-width: 240px) {
    body: { background-color: red; }

but it's not having any effect.

2) I tried displaying the screen resolution on the <body> using JavaScript:

    document.write(screen.width + 'x' + screen.height);

However, it shows "320x425". This is strange, as my mobile has a screen width of 240px, not 320px.

3) I thought about the possibility of mobile browsers auto-zooming to fit more content on the screen. So, I added two lines to the <body> with widths of 240px and 320px respectively, expecting both to fit without scrollbars:

<hr style="width: 240px;">
<hr style="width: 320px;">

To my surprise, the screen accommodated the 240px line but the 320px line went off the screen, causing a horizontal scrollbar to appear.

In summary: JavaScript and CSS seem to indicate a 320px screen width, but I can only fit 240px on the screen. This behavior is also observed on my friend's iPhone.

Please advise on where I might be going wrong. Thank you.

P.S. The test source code can be found here: http://pastebin.com/ULNm4RfW

Answer №1

A suggestion to address potential issues is to adopt a mobile-first approach in your design process. This involves starting with designing for the smallest screen size, such as mobile devices, and then progressively enhancing for larger screens.

By switching from using max-width to min-width values in your CSS, you can create responsive styles. For example:

@media screen and (min-width: 240px) {
    CSS: your styles here;

This strategy ensures that your initial styles cater to smaller screens, while the rule above applies styles for screen sizes starting from 240px and up.

Implementing a mobile-first approach can also eliminate the need for utilizing JavaScript, which is recommended to avoid when determining screen sizes based on browser detection.

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