When using JQuery's .each method, only the first two elements from an array of automatically generated elements are retrieved

I have a loop that creates multiple divs with the class panel.

@for(comment <- event.getCommentsSorted()) {

However, when I try to manipulate each of these divs using jQuery's .each, only the first two divs are selected.

$(window).on('load', function() {
        $(".panel").each(function (index) {
            $(this).height($(this)[index].scrollHeight - 12);

The remaining three divs seem to be missing.

I initially thought it could be due to the script executing before all divs are created, but since I'm using load, it should run after the page has fully loaded. I've also tried utilizing .ready and varying the number of generated divs, but I still only target the first two elements.

Why am I only able to select the first two elements, and is there a way to target all elements?

Answer №1

To improve performance, consider wrapping the .each method within a setTimeout function as shown below:

$(window).on('load', function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    $(".panel").each(function (index) {
      $(this).height($(this)[index].scrollHeight - 12);
  }, 3000); // Execute after a delay of 3 seconds

Answer №2

After searching for a solution, I finally found it!


wasn't getting the job done like I expected.

For some reason unknown to me, switching to this code made everything work perfectly:

$(".panel .inputSizeLimitation").each(function () {
       $(this).height($(this).prop("scrollHeight") - 12);

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