When the span element's height is set to 100%, it does not automatically match the height of its parent div

I have a scenario where I am working with two div elements and a span element in between. The parent div element does not have a defined height, it is calculated based on the content within the div. However, the span element's height is set to 100% even though its actual height is zero. Here is the code snippet:

<div id="parentDiv">
    <div id="child1"></div>
    <span id="spanelement"></span>
    <div id="child2"></div>


Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

In HTML, <span> elements are typically used for styling inline content. If you want to change its behavior to block-level and have it take up the full width of its parent container, you can apply the CSS property display: block;

Answer №2

The reason for this issue is that the parent element is not at 100% height.

To resolve this problem, you can use the following CSS code:

body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
html {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
.parent-div {
  height: auto;

Answer №3

It is not possible to specify the height and width of a SPAN element that does not contain any content. However, you have the option to utilize padding in place of defining height and width, or alternatively use display:block;

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