Default values for CSS variables: only apply if the variable has not been previously defined

My Web Component relies on the power of CSS variables.

To set default values for these variables is crucial.

With their wide usage across multiple files, it's essential to define them once and for all.

The initial approach turns the text color to black. But why?

How can I establish the default values correctly just once?

.a {
  --my-variable: red;

.b {
  --my-variable: var(--my-variable, blue);
<div class="a">
  <div class="b">
    <span style="color: var(--my-variable);">text</span>

Answer №1

Adding to the points made previously, there may arise situations where avoiding declaration of variables in the global :root scope is preferred. This can be especially useful when creating a reusable component that requires its own locally scoped styles, independent of the overarching project styles - particularly if the component is intended for use by other developers.

In such cases, one approach is to expose a single variable name to the wider development environment, while utilizing a different variable name within the component itself. The container for the component simply links the optional external variable to the internal variable and sets its default value:

.my-component-container {
  /* Link optional "external" variables to required "internal" variables */
  --my-variable-inner: var(--my-variable, blue);

.my-component-container .my-nested-element {
  color: var(--my-variable-inner);

.my-component-container .my-other-nested-element {
  border-color: var(--my-variable-inner);

This method ensures that --my-variable-inner is consistently defined within the component, while allowing external users the flexibility to define --my-variable as needed.

The trade-off here is managing two variable names instead of one. To streamline this process, consider implementing a project-wide convention, such as appending --inner or another uniform suffix to each relevant variable.

Answer №2

Use the :root selector to set default values, then override them in specific selectors.

:root {
  --primary-color: red;

* {
  color: var(--primary-color);
  border: 1px solid var(--primary-color);
  padding: 0.25rem;
  margin: 0;

div {
  --primary-color: green;

p {
  --primary-color: blue;

Answer №3

Why does the initial attempt result in black text?

The reason for this is that the code

--my-variable: var(--my-variable, blue);
is invalid since it tries to define a variable with itself, which is not allowed. As a result, the browser will ignore this declaration. Subsequently, when trying to use color: var(--my-variable);, the color falls back to the initial value, which is black.

To resolve this issue, it is recommended to define the variable at a higher level where it can be inherited by all elements (as suggested by @kornieff).

As stated in the specification:

Custom properties are mostly left unevaluated, except for allowing and evaluating the var() function within their values. This may lead to cyclic dependencies when a custom property references itself using var(), or when multiple custom properties refer to each other.

For each element, a directed dependency graph is created, featuring nodes representing each custom property. If a custom property prop's value includes a var() function referring to the property var (including in the fallback argument of var()), an edge is added between prop and var. It is possible for edges to point from a custom property to itself. If there is a cycle in the dependency graph, all custom properties involved in the cycle must revert to their initial value (which is essentially an invalid value).

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