When running `node compile.js`, no combined CSS file is being created

I have finally mastered the art of setting up and executing the "node compile.js" file in the claro theme folder to compile each *.less file into its corresponding *.css file. However, I noticed that the old claro.css file remains unchanged. Is this the intended behavior? If so, what is the correct procedure for updating the claro.css file to reflect all modifications made to the individual *.css files?

Until now, I have always included the claro.css file in my jsp file like this:

   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/CompassThemesURS/themes/html/commonurs/dojo/1.9.1/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css" />

Could it be possible that I am overlooking something? Utilizing the node tool (along with the provided "compile.js" file in the claro theme directory) to generate a personalized theme based on the claro theme has been quite beneficial. Yet, I am uncertain about the process involved in updating the extensive claro.css file. Kindly enlighten me if there are additional steps needed to finalize this customization procedure.

Thank you for your assistance,


Answer №1

It is important to note that the structure of Dijit themes is intentionally designed this way. The file claro.css does not have its own styles; it simply imports styles from individual files compiled by compile.js.

Dojo's build system has the capability to flatten CSS imports, resulting in claro.css being transformed into a single file containing all the rules from the different widgets' CSS files.

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