When rails code is placed within haml tags, it results in generating empty spaces within the HTML tags of browsers

Every time a rails variable is nil (or when using rails code (as seen in the third code example)), my html displays a string of empty characters.


%h1.editable.editable_title_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "title"}
  = @post_title //@post_title.present? returns false
%h4.editable.editable_subtitle_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "subtitle"}
  = @post.subtitle
%p.editable.editable_intro_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "intro"}
  = @post.intro

This issue is illustrated in the code examples below:

After inspecting, I also attempted:

%h1.editable.editable_title_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "title"}
  - @post_title


%h1.editable.editable_title_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "title"}

The end result is identical to what is shown in the provided image.

Due to these empty characters, the :empty CSS selector treats the element as non-empty and does not apply content specified in :before.

How can I eliminate these empty characters within my HTML tags?


View a screencast demonstrating this behavior:

Answer №1

Experiment by adding a < at the end of the %h1 line:

%h1.editable.editable_title_field{:contenteditable => 'true', :placeholder => "title"}<
  = @post_title

Explore the details on removing whitespace in the HAML user guide.

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