Using Vue.js to update the v-bind:style when the mouse hovers over the element

I am working with a span element that displays different background images based on certain conditions.

Here is the HTML:


In the computed properties section:

styles() {
  return {
    "background-image": `url(${require(`../assets/images/${this.type}.png`)})`,
    height: "30px",
    width: "100%",
    display: "block",
    "background-size": "contain",
    "background-repeat": "no-repeat",
    "background-position": "center",

Additionally, I have another condition to display a different background image on mouseover.

stylesOnHover() {
  return {
    "background-image": `url(${require(`../assets/images/${this.type}-hover.png`)})`

I attempted to add

in the HTML span, but it resulted in an error :

[Vue warn]: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: handler.apply is not a function"

Could someone guide me on how to modify the background image property on mouseover? Thank you.

Answer №1

When you return an object from your function, the style may not be properly applied to the element. One solution is to use a boolean in your state to control which styles are applied to the element, and then handle the rest in your template. Another option is to let the boolean dictate whether to merge the style in your computed styles.

Answer №2

Look no further, this is the ultimate solution you've been seeking here. Make sure to use the background-image property instead.

If you are determined to utilize mouseover effects, then stylesOnHover must be implemented as a method or computed function that returns a function. This will allow you to dynamically change the backgroundImage of within that method/function.

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