When pressed, the button changes color to a vibrant shade of blue, and not just a simple outline

I'm experiencing an issue with a button that turns blue when the user holds onto it for a while on mobile. You can see an example in the image below:

Adding ::selected or outline did not resolve the problem as the entire button still turns blue for a brief period before disappearing. How can I prevent the button from changing color?

Answer №1

Based on your explanation, it seems like the issue with the changing background color of your button is caused by the :active pseudo-class that triggers when the button is clicked and then disappears after a few seconds of release. To solve this, you can target the button:active selector in your CSS and override the default behavior with the desired colors for both the background and text. Below is an example code snippet to demonstrate how you can achieve this:

background-color: red;
color: #ffffff;
height: 40px;
/* Override the background color during active state */
background: darkred;
<button type="submit">Click me!</button>

Answer №2

Can you provide the code you're working with? It's difficult for us to assist without seeing the issue firsthand. Without access to the code, we can't determine why the button appears a certain way. Your description of the problem is helpful, but showing us the actual code will give us a better understanding.

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