When my website is viewed on a local server, it is responsive and utilizes flex and bootstrap. However, now that it is hosted online, the flex function is not working properly on the mobile site

As a novice web developer, I've created a portfolio site hosted at www.j-price.co.uk. However, I've encountered a responsiveness issue after hosting it on GitHub Pages and GoDaddy. The site displays differently compared to when it's hosted locally through VSCode. The items don't stack as expected and a vertical scroll bar appears. While Chrome Dev Tools show no issues, testing the site on my phone reveals the problem.

I've experimented with changing the <meta viewport width> as suggested on Stack Overflow and added cross-browser compatibility. Despite these efforts, the issue persists. I'm uncertain if there's something missing in my code or if it's related to the hosting setup.

Below is a snippet of my HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Head section with meta-tags, title, SEO attributes, Bootstrap and Font Awesome links -->

  <!-- Body section with header, projects, about me, and contact sections -->
  <body id="body">

And here's a CSS snippet for styling the site:

    /* CSS styles for general layout, navbar, hero section, projects, about section, and contact section */

Lastly, here's a snippet of JavaScript code used for dynamic content:

    // JavaScript function to display rotating adjectives

Answer №1

I have encountered many of the challenges you are currently facing. By crafting your own CSS without relying on frameworks like Semantic or Materialize, you can avoid these issues. While it may require more effort initially, you will ultimately have complete control over your styling. I personally only use Font Awesome icons with a link, which simplifies things. Although it may feel overwhelming at first, spending time mastering CSS is more valuable than constantly troubleshooting. I have been developing a personal library of essential elements like navbars, cards, sidebars, and footers. Once these components are styled and bundled with CSS, working with them becomes much smoother. Additionally, I recommend exploring ReactJS for its speed, responsiveness, and efficient reusable component system.

Answer №2

Implement the meta tag

Understanding the viewport is essential for designing a responsive web page. It adjusts based on the device being used, with smaller dimensions on mobile phones compared to computer screens.

Every web page should contain the following code snippet: This provides necessary instructions to the browser regarding the page's dimensions and scaling.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Answer №3

After thorough investigation, I have identified the primary problem to be GoDaddy mounting my site in an iframe when utilizing masking for forwarding. However, when I opt for direct forwarding from my custom URL to my GitHub Pages hosted site without masking, all the code remains intact and the functionality is seamless. Although it may not be the most ideal solution in terms of maintaining a professional appearance for my custom URL, the positive aspect is that the site now loads correctly.

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