When incorporating `Ionic/core` into my project, it unexpectedly alters my scss styling

Exploring StencilJs:

In my project using StencilJs, I aim to create a wheel time picker with 3 columns for hours in 12-hour format and minutes which can vary based on the provided array such as [0,15,30,45] or [00,30]. Additionally, there will be options for 'am' and 'pm' in the 3rd column. If a user specifies a default time, it should be displayed and emit an event upon update. This interactive wheel interface is intended to function seamlessly through scrolling or touch input.

To achieve this functionality, I have opted for utilizing the ion-datetime component; however,

An Obstacle:

Upon incorporating the @ionic/core library into my project and integrating it within my .tsx file, I noticed that all of my custom SCSS styles were overridden. This resulted in a disruption of not only the aesthetic appeal but also affected the styling of other web components within the project.

Attempted Solutions:

I experimented with adding globalStyles to my stencil.config file and even utilized distinct class names to prevent clashes between styles. Furthermore, I ensured that I am implementing the latest version of ionic/core component library. Any insights, suggestions, or working examples from the community would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

I have discovered the solution to this issue.

The Reason for the Problem:

This problem occurred because the Host of ion-datetime was overriding the Host of my other web components.


To rectify this, you can redefine the Host with !important to give your styles higher priority in your web component. For more information on working with Host, you can consult their documentation at .

Another alternative is to use the CDN link instead of the NPM package @ionic/core in Stencil:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ionic/core/dist/ionic.js"></script>

This approach is advantageous when dealing with multiple CSS styles in your web component, as redefining each one individually may not always be feasible.

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