Assessing the performance of YUi and BackBone

As I embark on a new project, one of the crucial decisions to make is regarding the architecture.

Currently, I am contemplating the selection of front-end components.

I plan to utilize HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for this purpose.

When it comes to choosing between YUI or Backbone for the Javascript framework, I find myself in a dilemma. I am uncertain about how best to evaluate which option suits my requirements as I aim to develop both a Browser web app and a Mobile app.

Would you recommend any other frameworks for achieving this goal? Perhaps there are books, URLs, or resources that can guide me on how to effectively organize the front-end structure?

Answer №1

While it may be a bit belated to add my thoughts, I feel compelled to share my perspective on the various frameworks I have explored:

Among them are Angular, Knockout, Backbone, and YUI. After reading up on Ember as well.

In my experience, both Angular and Knockout take a similar initial approach by focusing on front-end integration. Personally, I find this aspect less appealing as it leaves ample room for error in designing a robust architecture. The burden of creating an effective MVC application falls solely on the developer with these tools.

YUI bears a striking resemblance to Backbone, perhaps due to being inspired by it. My extensive examination of Backbone has left me impressed with its principles and standards. It encourages the development of a sturdy framework if adhered to diligently.

Interestingly, I came across a comment from someone who transitioned from Backbone to YUI citing the latter as more streamlined and superior overall. While I cannot confirm this claim yet, it warrants further investigation from my end.

Many individuals, myself included, argue that Ember, Knockback, and Angular have a somewhat heavy-handed approach. They prioritize explaining HTML interfacing from the outset, which may either pose challenges or simplify tasks depending on one's specific project requirements.

This is simply my viewpoint based on personal observations and experiences!

Answer №2

Backbone is a versatile tool for building web applications that work well on both desktop and mobile devices. Its simplicity and compact size make it stand out, as you can easily navigate through its complete annotated source code. Backbone aids in organizing your code in a way that is easy to maintain, which is its main advantage.

On the flip side, backbone can be intimidating for beginners due to the complexity of setting up collections, models, and views. Additionally, it doesn't assist much with rendering views, which can be seen as both a positive and a negative. While it lacks the convenience of widget-based frameworks, it also gives you more freedom without unnecessary constraints, making it ideal for mobile app development.

If you're new to backbone, I suggest exploring the todo-example provided on their website ( ) to grasp the basics of how the framework operates.

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