When I switch to mobile view, my navigation menu vanishes

Currently in the process of creating a website using WordPress, specifically with a divi theme and utilizing a windows operating system. It seems that everything appears correctly on desktop, however when resizing the window or viewing the site on a mobile device, the navigation bar located at the top of the page disappears. Visit the website here: assyrians.com

Approaches I have taken: Initially, I suspected that plugins might be causing the issue so I proceeded to deactivate them but unfortunately, no changes occurred. The current version of the divi theme being used is 3.19.14, not the newest update which is Version 4.18. Despite this, I don't believe updating the theme is the root cause of the problem.

I am receptive to any suggestions and would greatly appreciate any feedback provided. Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

Even though your navigation bar is present, it transforms into a hamburger menu on mobile view. Unfortunately, the button appears invisible due to its blank color blending with the background. To resolve this issue, try incorporating the following CSS code onto your webpage:

.mobile_menu_bar:before {
   color: red !important;

Alternatively, consider adjusting the navigation menu using the divi builder customizer. Opt for the phone preview mode and implement any necessary modifications.

For more information, refer to Divi's documentation:

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