Difficulty maintaining consistent line widths while setting up a CSS border grid on a table

What is the most effective method for creating a table with a 1px grid (internal and external)? Could it be possible that Chrome and Edge have issues with borders in certain scenarios?

On this Codeply example, the standard approach is taken - setting border-right and border-bottom on the table, and border-top and border-left on td,th. However, this method doesn't yield consistent results. It appears fine on Android and Firefox (HD/1080 on Windows, UHD/4K on Linux), but has flaws on Edge and Chrome (on both Windows and Linux) where some internal and external borders appear as 2px thick.

I must admit that I am not alone in facing this challenge. There are numerous similar queries online, yet achieving browser consistency seems to be a struggle. Take this SO answer, for instance, which includes a jsFiddle demonstrating varying visuals on Firefox (108.0.2) and Chrome (108.0.5359.125). In the Chrome version, the top and bottom vertical lines appear double-width, while the middle line is single-width. The presentation in Firefox is more desirable in comparison.

Answer №1

Issues with scaling 1px borders in Chrome and Edge.

While Firefox seems unaffected, users on Win10 and Win11 may encounter problems with 1px borders when display scaling is not at 100%. Borders can sometimes appear thinner or wider than intended, leading to inconsistencies in design. To address this, setting borders to 0.1px can provide a solution. Check out this Codeply example for the corrected version that displays properly on various platforms:

  • Win 10 UHD/4K at 150% display scale - Firefox, Chrome, Edge
  • Win 11 HD/1080 at 125% display scale - Firefox, Chrome, Edge
  • Android
  • Ubuntu 22 with Firefox and Chromium

Note: Display scaling behavior may vary in Ubuntu, and viewing results on Win10 via VNC could impact accuracy.

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