When I hover over one menu item, it interferes with my CSS transitions because the other menu items are hidden

I've been attempting to create a menu with very specific behavior: 1) Submenu transitions in when its corresponding menu item is hovered over 2) Submenu remains visible for a moment after moving the mouse away before transitioning out 3) If another menu item is hovered over, any remaining submenus from previous hovers disappear instantly.

I've been struggling with this for some time now and encountering unexplainable bugs along the way.

Here's the HTML structure I used (using divs instead of a list):

    <div class="menu">
<div class="menu-item" id="item-1">
  Item 1
  <div class="menu-child" id="child-1">Child 1</div>

 <div class="menu-item" id="item-2">
  Item 2
  <div class="menu-child" id="child-2">Child 2</div>

 <div class="menu-item" id="item-3">
  Item 3
  <div class="menu-child" id="child-3">Child 3</div>

The accompanying CSS:

.menu-item .menu-child {
  border:1px solid #000000;
  -webkit-transition: visibility 1s 1s, opacity 1s 1s;
  transition: visibility 1s 1s, opacity 1s 1s;

.menu-item:hover .menu-child {
  -webkit-transition: visibility 1s, opacity 1s;
  transition: visibility 1s, opacity 1s;

.menu {
  display: -webkit-flex;

.menu-item {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;

And here's the JavaScript snippet:

    function() {
    $("#child-2, #child-3").hide();
    function() {
    $("#child-2, #child-3").show();
    function() { 
    $("#child-1, #child-3").hide();
    function() { 
    $("#child-1, #child-3").show();
    function() { 
    $("#child-2, #child-1").hide();
    function() { 
    $("#child-1, #child-2").show();

Link to live demo on JSFiddle

...and so on.

Answer №1

It's essential to highlight the importance of formulating concise queries on SO and how it can affect the likelihood of receiving helpful responses. To demonstrate this, consider the following example of how I would have presented the question:

The goal is to eliminate the transition effect on menu items when hovering over another sibling menu item. Here is my current attempt:

<!-- /* your existing code here, added using the snippet tool */ -->

If your inquiry had been more succinctly stated, SO could have potentially offered a quicker and more efficient solution. However, this is just a conjecture. :)

Now, are you looking for the code snippet below?

$('.menu-item').on('mouseenter', function(){
  }, 42)
// CSS for fixing transition issue
/* Additional CSS styles */
.menu-item.hide-children .menu-child {
  display: none;
  -webkit-transition: visibility 0s linear 0s, opacity 0s linear 0s;
       -o-transition: visibility 0s linear 0s, opacity 0s linear 0s;
     -moz-transition: visibility 0s linear 0s, opacity 0s linear 0s;
          transition: visibility 0s linear 0s, opacity 0s linear 0s;
.menu-item.hide-children:hover .menu-child {
  display: block;
// End of additional CSS

// Note about CSS fix
// The provided CSS should resolve the transition problem if integrated into your existing CSS. 
// Also, ensure to incorporate the jQuery part.

// Additionally, based on my observation, the menu items were causing content displacement,
// which ideally shouldn't occur. Hence, I made some modifications to your markup and adjusted
// the CSS accordingly to offer an alternative solution.

body {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
// More CSS styles follow...

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