When I click the login button, a .ttf file is being downloaded to my computer

I have encountered an issue with my web application where custom font files in .ttf, .eot, and .otf formats are being downloaded to users' local machines when they try to log in as newly registered users. Despite attempting various solutions, I have been unable to resolve this problem.

Below is the CSS code I am currently using:

@font-face { font-family: 'Open Sans'; src: local(Open Sans),url('fonts/OpenSans-Regular.eot'); src: local(Open Sans),url('fonts/OpenSans-Regular.eot #iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf') format('truetype'); }

If anyone could offer assistance, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

It's important to specify the correct MIME type for .ttf files in order to prevent them from being downloaded as a regular file instead of being rendered as a font on your website. Depending on the web server you're using (such as IIS, Apache, Tomcat), this process may vary.

If you're unsure how to assign the proper MIME type for fonts, I recommend checking out this helpful thread on Stack Overflow: Proper MIME type for fonts

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar problem in my own Spring project, I discovered that the issue stemmed from insufficient access to the font directory.

It appears that your fonts are located within the fonts/ folder, but the .ttf file is housed in fonts/OpenSans. Ensure this directory isn't restricted by any security protocols as well.

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