When I click on a link to redirect it, I am confronted with a bizarre rectangle that

When attempting to create redirects using images, I encountered a small issue. Take a look at this screenshot:

This is the item in question:

<p><div><a title="Home" href="/home"><img src="/icons/home.svg" width="55" height="55" /></a></div></p>

Although it should display an image, instead there is a strange rectangle showing up. How can I resolve this issue?

Answer №1

The outlined feature you see is implemented for accessibility purposes, which may be a part of the CSS theme used in the codebase. It is not recommended to remove it, as doing so can negatively impact the user experience for those with visibility impairments. To enhance the appearance, consider making adjustments instead of removing it entirely.

To improve the look, you have a <div> containing an <a> nested within a <p>, causing the rectangle outline to overlap the icon. This happens because the p tag is meant for inline elements (It's best practice to avoid using block elements inside p tags). In this case, you are using block-level elements like <div> and <img> within the paragraph. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Remove the <p> and <div> tags, leaving only the <a> element.
  2. Add the CSS property display: inline-block to the <a> tag to achieve the desired effect.
    <a style="display:inline-block;" title="Home" href="/home">
      <img src="/icons/home.svg" width="55" height="55" />

If you prefer a block layout, simply omit the <p> tag:

        <a title="Home" href="/home">
          <img src="/icons/home.svg" width="55" height="55" />

Answer №2

Providing the necessary context is crucial for a comprehensive answer, but here are some general suggestions:

  1. Consider adjusting the display property to display:block or display:inline-block for the element.
  2. Another option is to set the width and height of the IMG element using inline styles like

Answer №3

Include the display: inline-block property within the <a> element

<a style="display:inline-block" title="Home" href="/home">
<img src="https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1357549139/photo/shot-of-an-adorable-baby-boy-wearing-a-hoody-towel.webp?s=612x612&w=is&k=20&c=MvuPLKqQhs7f6ZIsPf8oTgw08OiCvmmjJNeNdL0FG4M=" width="55" height="55" />

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