Having Trouble with Your Instafeed Script

I've been working on a project that involves integrating an Instagram feed into a website. However, I'm facing difficulties getting it to function properly. Here's the code that I have implemented.

<script type="text/javascript">
    feed = new Instafeed({
    clientId: '99808b1edfc140eda1cfa2dca4b4fe4c',
    accessToken: '201047212.467ede5.1072e8c882e34a8fb7975f725e7b3ba8',
    get: 'user',
    userId: 201047212,
    resolution: 'standard_resolution',
    links: 'false',
    template: '<div id="instafeed-caption">{{caption}} <br>&hearts; {{likes}} on <a href="{{link}}" class="sky">instagram</a></div><div id="instafeed-container"><img src="{{image}}" /></div>',
    mock: true,
    custom: {
    images: [],
    currentImage: 0,
    showImage: function () {
    var result, image;
    image = this.options.custom.images[this.options.custom.currentImage];
    result = this._makeTemplate(this.options.template, {
    model: image,
    id: image.id,
    link: image.link,
    image: image.images[this.options.resolution].url,
    caption: this._getObjectProperty(image, 'caption.text'),
    likes: image.likes.count,
    comments: image.comments.count,
    location: this._getObjectProperty(image, 'location.name')
  success: function (data) {
    this.options.custom.images = data.data; 

  $(".instafeed-next").click(function () {
    var length, current;
    current = feed.options.custom.currentImage;
    length = feed.options.custom.images.length;
if (current < length - 1) {

  $(".instafeed-prev").click(function () {
    var length, current;
    current = feed.options.custom.currentImage;
    length = feed.options.custom.images.length;
    if (current > 0) {

If anyone could help me identify and fix the issues with this script, I would greatly appreciate it. The initial example was taken from the Instafeed website for reference. You can find the website at www.hemeon.com. My specific website where I am trying to implement this is located at www.vcluxe.nu/contact-me. Thank you!

Answer №1

Hey there! One thing I noticed missing from the instafeed page is mentioning the importance of adding a "limit" to specify how many images to display. Otherwise, it seems the default is zero.

In my case, I set mine as: limit: '4'

It would be beneficial to include this tip in the instructions for others!

Check out the example below:

 <script type="text/javascript>
    var feed = new Instafeed({
        get: 'tagged',
        tagName: 'cool',
        clientId: '916c01b8624d43c7b4b76369aruc86a0',
        limit: '4' 
    feed.run(); </script>

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