When hovering over the JQuery drop-down menu, the menu will automatically close

While navigating the site , I noticed that when hovering over the menu everything seems to be working fine. But as soon as I attempt to access the submenu links or children, the menu unexpectedly closes. This issue may be related to having a transparent background. Is there any way to prevent it from closing?

Thank you, Tamer Z

Answer №1

Upon further inspection, it appears that the submenu is not nested under the main menu. This causes the submenu to close when hovering over it, as it loses connection with the parent menu. To resolve this issue, consider rearranging your code so that the submenu becomes a child of the top-level menu item.

Answer №2

It seems like the mouse events are bound to the LI element, but not its children. Perhaps restructuring your code like this could help:

<DIV align="center">
<ul id="sdt_menu" class="sdt_menu">
<DIV class="someclass">

...and then bind the mouse events to ("#someclass") instead of "#sdt_menu > li"?

When you bind the mouse event to the LI, it doesn't attach to the child DIV, although it does attach to the child A elements.

Another suggestion is to utilize .hover rather than .mouseenter and .mouseleave.

The .hover() jQuery function has two arguments: the function for when hovering (mouseenter) and when moving away (mouseleave). It's recommended to use that instead of just mouseleave.

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