When attempting to render HTML containing multiple CSS classes within a JSON request parameter, the styles are not being applied as expected

In my API, I'm dealing with a JSON request parameter that includes an HTML string. This HTML string references CSS styles from a separate .css file. However, when an HTML element has two CSS classes assigned to it, neither of the classes' styles are being applied.

Below is the method I've created to generate the dictionary:

private func createCalendarInviteDictionary() -> [String: Any] {

    var calendarInviteDict = [:] as [String: Any]
    calendarInviteDict["emailId"] = hostDict["HostEmailAddress"]
    calendarInviteDict["startTime"] = mgVisitorInfo.startDate
    calendarInviteDict["endTime"] = mgVisitorInfo.endDate
    calendarInviteDict["location"] = mgVisitorInfo.locationSite
    calendarInviteDict["subject"] = "Welcome!!"
    calendarInviteDict["allDayEvent"] = "no"
    calendarInviteDict["isSkypeMeeting"] = "no"
    calendarInviteDict["isHigh"] = "yes"
    calendarInviteDict["requiredAttendees"] = [mgVisitorInfo.email]
    calendarInviteDict["optionalAttendees"] = []
    return calendarInviteDict

Next, here's an incomplete method where I call the previous one and convert the dictionary to JSON:

private func createCalendarInvite(_ completion: @escaping dataRequestCompletionBlock) {

    var calendarInviteDict = createCalendarInviteDictionary() as [String: Any]
    let emailContentHelper = EmailContentHelper()
    calendarInviteDict["body"] = emailContentHelper.constructEmailBody()

    var calendarInviteJSON = ""
    if let theJSONData = try? JSONSerialization.data(
        withJSONObject: calendarInviteDict,
        options: [.prettyPrinted]) {
        calendarInviteJSON = String(data: theJSONData, encoding: .utf8)!
        print("JSON string = \(calendarInviteJSON)")
    let calendarInviteParams = ["requestJSONString": calendarInviteJSON] as [String: String]
// do something else

This is what gets logged for the JSON String in the console:

... (omitted for brevity)

The issue arises when a HTML segment with 2 CSS classes is included in the JSON. While elements with only one class render correctly, those with multiple classes don't pick up any properties from either class.

I could resort to using inline styles, but due to the need for consistency across multiple instances within the HTML, I prefer utilizing the CSS classes defined in a separate .css file.

What changes should be implemented to ensure correct rendering of HTML segments with multiple CSS classes?

Answer №1

Avoid chaining classes in email designs as it may not be supported by all email clients.

Remember that CSS capabilities in emails are restricted. Rather than applying multiple classes to each element, stick to using just one class or consider incorporating inline styling. Although inline styling can be cumbersome, it is essential for creating effective email layouts with nested tables. Simplifying your design approach is key in email marketing.

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