When attempting to execute a function when a hidden div is not displayed, JQuery encounters an

I'm currently attempting to modify the text color of the h2 title with the id ticketSearchTitle when the ticketSearch div is not visible. However, the code I have been using to achieve this seems to cause issues (such as the absence of a pointer icon on the title and inability to hide the div).

Here is the structure of the div:

  <h2 id="ticketSearchTitle" >SEARCH</h2>
  <div id="ticketSearch"><div>

Below is the complete code snippet:

$("h2#ticketSearchTitle").css({'cursor':'pointer', 'display':'inline'});



       //modify h2 text to indicate it is inactive
       if ($("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden')){


Snippet in JQuery that causes the issue:

 //change h2 text to show that is inactive
       if $("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden'){

Answer №1

Performing these two sequences consecutively can lead to issues because the toggle function initiates an animation that may not have completed by the time you check if the element is hidden:


// Change h2 text to indicate it is inactive
if ($("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden')){

You have a few options to address this. You can either check if the element is hidden before initiating the animation and act based on its pre-animation state, knowing it will be toggled. Alternatively, you can use a proper animation with a completion function so the remaining code executes only once the toggle is complete.

For instance, if you want the second part of the code to run after the animation finishes, you can do the following:

$("#ticketSearch").toggle('slow', function() {
    // Change h2 text to show that it is inactive
    if ($("#ticketSearch").is(':hidden')){

Just a heads-up, using `"h2#ticketSearch"` as your selector is unnecessary. Simply using `"#ticketSearch"` would be quicker and yield the same outcome.

Answer №2

Did you happen to overlook adding the parentheses for if

if ($("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden')){

Answer №3

Don't forget 2 important details:

1) Make sure to include brackets around the if statement:

      if ($("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden')){

2) Remember that your ticketSearch is a div, not an h2:

       if $("h2#ticketSearch").is(':hidden'){ //incorrect
       if $("div#ticketSearch").is(':hidden'){ //correct

Check out the JSFiddle example for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/KKgTU/4/

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