When a menu is opened or closed in iOS, the HTML content magnifies and shrinks

Currently, I am developing a mobile website featuring a menu similar to that of Facebook. Everything seems to be running smoothly, except for one hiccup on mobile Safari. The issue arises when I open the menu on my iPhone - the remaining content shrinks to fit within the screen dimensions, only to expand back to its original size upon closing the menu.

To add to the excitement, this problem exclusively occurs when accessed through the browser. Interestingly enough, if you save it to your home screen as a bookmark, the content no longer resizes. Additionally, this resizing quirk is unique to iPhones and does not affect iPads.

You can find a simplified version of the code here: http://jsfiddle.net/HYjEB/261/

If you have an iPhone, feel free to test out the issue here:

Various attempts have been made to rectify the situation, such as changing the positioning of the #right div from absolute to fixed. While this temporarily solves the problem, it disables users from scrolling through the page's content.

Answer №1

To prevent your div from scaling, consider positioning it within its parent element. Check out this example: http://jsfiddle.net/HYjEB/262/. I have updated the HTML structure and CSS for you.

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