When a class and ID are dynamically applied, the click event may not fire and the CSS may not be applied

Hey everyone, I am facing an issue with declaring id and class when creating a table dynamically. I have tried multiple functions to make my click event work but without success. Can anyone help me with this?

Below is the code for my dynamic table where I need to apply CSS on "td" click and also trigger a click event.

   var tableid=0;               
    // display table.......
        $('#page').append("<center> <table id='tables'  cellspacing='50px' style='margin-top:70px' >");
        for(var j=0;j<row;j++){          
                $('#tables').append("<tr class='row' id='row"+j+"' style='margin-bottom:50px'>");
                        for(var k=0;k<5;k++){
                                        $("#row"+j).append("<td id='"+tableid+"' class='button' width='150' height='150' background='images/green.png' align='center'>"+
                        }//for ends.                    
        }//for ends
        $('#page').append("</center> </table>");

I need to trigger events individually for each td element. When clicked, a function should be called passing the unique id as a parameter. The following commented code shows the methods I have attempted so far without success.

/*Event.observe(window, 'load', function(){
            $('#TBL00001').observe('click', test());
            function test(){
                alert("click :)))");
            $("'#"+tableCode[tableid]+"'").live(function() {
            $("'#"+tableCode[tableid]+"'").click(function() {

            $('#TBL00001').on( 'click', 'td', function() {

I have also tried using .delegate() which works but I'm unable to pass a unique id for each td element.


              $("tr .row > td .button").each(function() { 
            var $this = $(this);


Answer №1

$('table').on('click', 'tr.row > td', function() {
    var selectedId = $(this).attr('id');

It seems like you're asking for clarification.

Whenever a td within a tr is clicked, this code will run and the variable selectedId will store the id of the clicked td.

Answer №2

Utilize event delegation in your code for better performance.

$("ul").on("mouseover", function(e){

Answer №3

Did you check the IDs of TR in the browser console?

Assigning IDs like this could lead to errors.


Consider using this format instead.


Best of luck!

Answer №4

Your current code includes a condition if(tableid<tablecount-1){. It seems that you have not defined the variable tablecount anywhere, which is why this condition is not functioning properly.

Additionally, as previously mentioned, you can retrieve the ID of each table data cell by using the following method:

   var tdId = $(this).attr('id');
   console.log(tdId); // This will display the ID of the clicked table data cell in the console, allowing you to utilize the variable **tdId** for your function.

Answer №5

Your table creation technique is crucial. It's important to structure the table in a way that follows this approach:

var tableId = 0;
var numRows = 5;

// Display the table
var newTable = $('<table />').attr('id', tableId);

for(var row = 0; row < numRows; row++){
    var tableRow = $('<tr />').attr('id', 'row'+row).addClass('row');
    for(var col=0;col<5;col++){
        var cell = $('<td />').addClass('button').html('test').click(function(){ alert('test') });


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