What's the reason behind jQuery's position() and offset() methods returning decimal numbers in Chrome browsers?

In my HTML document, I have a simple div tag that is absolutely positioned. In Chrome, when I set the CSS rule "right" to a fixed value in pixels and "left" to "auto", then use jQuery's position() method to determine its left position immediately afterwards, the returned value is something like: 122.6363525390625. The same issue occurs with the offset() method.

On the contrary, Firefox does not experience this problem.

Could you please explain why this discrepancy happens and if there is a way to prevent it? Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

When working with percentage widths, the math often leads to decimal values. Consider a scenario where you have the following arrangement:

<div style="width: 111px">
    <div style="width: 50%"></div>

In this case, the inner element's width computes to 55.5 pixels, which is not a whole number. Depending on the specific CSS properties involved, the decimal precision could be even higher.

Chrome utilizes subpixel rendering, explaining why such behavior is observed.

Although this calculation method shouldn't pose an issue, if you prefer to round to a whole number, you can employ Math.round(x).

Answer №2

When viewing in Chrome, the numbers are rounded off, meaning 120, 120.5, and 120.6 all appear as the same width. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about using decimal values. Pixels are always whole units and do not include fractions like .5 pixel. If you encounter issues with functions returning decimal values, it’s advisable to use parseInt instead. It's important not to rely on the browser to handle this issue, as it could potentially cause your page to malfunction.

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