What's causing these divs to be misaligned in various directions?

I am currently working with a front-end framework based on flexbox called Material-UI, and I have noticed that the layout of certain components, particularly the quantity control elements, appears to be different even though they all share the same styling and code.

Here is an example:

I believe this issue is related to the flexbox model rather than being a problem with Material UI. Any insights on what could be causing this discrepancy? Please note that all styling is applied inline.

Code Sample

Below is the code snippet for each <Card>, where each card receives a listing as a prop containing the necessary data for rendering:

<Card style={{ display: "flex", height: "13em" }}>
  <CardMedia title={listing.productTitle}>
    <img src={listing.mainImgUrl} style={{ width: "13em" }} />
  <Box display="flex" flexDirection="column">
    <CardContent style={{ flex: "1 0 auto" }}>
      <Typography component="h6">{listing.productTitle}</Typography>
      <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="textSecondary">
        by {listing.creatorUsername.length > 16 ? `${listing.creatorUsername.substring(0, 13)}...` : listing.creatorUsername}
    <Box display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="flex-end" mb={1}>
      <Box display='flex' alignItems='center'>
        <Box mr={2}>
          <Typography variant='body2'>${localQuantity * listing.price}</Typography>
        <DeleteOutline />

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To achieve a 100% width for the Box following the card content, you can utilize margin-left:auto on the initial element inside to align it to the right. It's tricky to accurately predict without being able to execute the code :)

Answer №2

After encountering layout issues with the <CardContent> tag, I decided to switch it out for a different approach. Here is the solution I came up with, using <Box> elements instead (essentially functioning as straight <div>s):

       <Card style={{ display: "flex", height: "13em" }}>
        <CardMedia title={listing.productTitle}>
          <img src={listing.mainImgUrl} style={{ width: "13em" }} />
          <Box mt={2}>
            <Box display="flex" alignContent="flex-start">
              <Box display="block">
                <Typography component="h6">{listing.productTitle}</Typography>
                <Typography variant="subtitle1" color="textSecondary">
                  by{" "}
                  {listing.creatorUsername.length > 16
                    ? `${listing.creatorUsername.substring(0, 13)}...`
                    : listing.creatorUsername}
                <Typography variant="caption" color="textSecondary">
                  ${listing.price} each
              <Box display="flex" alignItems="center">
                <Box mr={2}>
                  <Typography variant="body2">
                    ${listing.quantity * listing.price}
                <IconButton onClick={handleDelete}>
                  <DeleteOutline />

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