What would be the best way to display a label once the zoom level exceeds a certain threshold in Leaflet?

As someone new to the Leaflet library and JavaScript in general, I'm currently facing a challenge with showing/hiding a leaflet label based on the zoom level. The markers are within a 'cluster' layer loaded via AJAX callback, and I bind the popup and label using the onEachFeature. Afterwards, I add the geoJson marker layer to the map.

I've attempted to display the labels only when zoomed in to a certain level without success. I even tried integrating the leaflet.zoomcss.js, but it seems like my implementation is not correct.


var officesLayerGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();
var currentMakers;
function DisplayLocalOffices(jqOffices) {

    currentMakers = new L.geoJson(jqOffices, {
        style: function (feature) {
            var c = feature.properties.markercolor;
            if (feature.properties.OfficeID == 0) {
                c = 'yellow';
            return { color: c };
        pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng) {
            return new L.CircleMarker(latlng, { radius: 7, fillOpacity: 0.5 });

        onEachFeature: bindOfficePopup

function bindOfficePopup(feature, layer) {
    // Function to add popup based on information in the 'layer' or marker
    // Keeping track of the layer(marker)
    feature.layer = layer;

    var props = feature.properties;
    if (props) {
        var desc = '<span id="feature-popup">';
        //.. additional HTML content here!
        // Binding label with specific options
        layer.bindLabel('Hi Label!', { noHide: true, className: 'my-css-styled-labels'});


Another attempt I made was:

          zoomend: showLabel(e)

Alongside this simplified function:

function showLabel(e) {
    z = map.getZoom();
    if (z > 6) {
        layer.bindLabel("HIYA", { noHide: true, className: 'my-css-styled-labels' });

Despite trying different approaches, including adding the library and CSS styles for leaflet.zoomcss.js, I haven't had any success. I apologize for the detailed explanation, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

When using Leaflet, the layers do not trigger events when zooming the map. Instead, the map instance itself does. Attaching an event handler to each feature could lead to performance issues as more features are added. It's recommended to handle the map's zoom event and then display labels for the features in your layer accordingly. Take a look at this sample code:

var geoJsonLayer = L.geoJson(featureCollection, {
    onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {

var visible;

// Map zoom event handler
map.on('zoomend', function (e) {
    // Check zoom level
    if (map.getZoom() > 10) {
        // Check visibility status
        if (!visible) {
            // Iterate through layers
            geoJsonLayer.eachLayer(function (layer) {
                // Show label
            // Update visibility flag
            visible = true;
    } else {
        // Check visibility status
        if (visible) {
            // Iterate through layers
            geoJsonLayer.eachLayer(function (layer) {
                // Hide label
            // Update visibility flag
            visible = false;

// Fit the map to the bounds of the layer triggering the zoom event

You can view a live example on Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/V8duPDjKlY48MTHOU35F?p=preview

Answer №2

After struggling with various solutions without success, I decided to share the code that finally worked for me. This code is specifically designed for maps where not every layer object is considered a marker object. If you have already created an object called L.Map and stored it in a variable named map, simply add the following code snippet after your map initialization:

var show_label_zoom = 20; // threshold zoom level for label visibility
var labels_visible = true;
function show_hide_labels() {
    var cur_zoom = map.getZoom();
    if(labels_visible && cur_zoom < show_label_zoom) {          
        labels_visible = false;
        map.eachLayer(layer => layer.hideLabel && layer.hideLabel());               
    else if(!labels_visible && cur_zoom >= show_label_zoom) {           
        labels_visible = true;
        map.eachLayer(layer => layer.showLabel && layer.showLabel());               
map.on('zoomend', show_hide_labels);

Answer №3

After previously making an AJAX callback in my situation, the following rules were set up based on an example I found here:

map.on('zoomstart', function () {
var zoomLevel = map.getZoom();
var tooltip = $('.label');

switch (zoomLevel) {
        tooltip.css('font-size', 0)
        tooltip.css('font-size', 10);

The line var tooltip = $('.label') refers to a CSS style that was applied earlier for the tooltip properties in my code. I specifically set two different font sizes for two different zoom levels.

I hope this information proves helpful to you.

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