What unit is typically used as the default measurement for margin-left?

When it comes to CSS, the default value for margin-left is 0. It's interesting that no units are needed when the value is 0 since it doesn't matter if it's in em or px. However, I recently came across some code at my company that specifies:

margin-left: 10;

I assume this means 10px by default? I plan on experimenting with both em and px to determine which looks better.

Answer №1

There is no predefined unit to use.

The CSS provided is considered invalid because a non-zero value without a unit is specified.

The behavior of browsers when encountering this incorrect code will vary depending on the browser and the rendering mode of the page. In quirks mode (when there is no specified doctype), most browsers will attempt to rectify the issue by assuming the unit is in pixels (px). However, in standards compliance mode (with a proper doctype), most browsers will simply ignore the styling altogether.

Answer №2

When no unit is specified, older browsers automatically assume px. However, newer browsers require a specific unit and will disregard the margin if one is not provided.

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