What steps can I take to prevent constantly re-fetching a disabled CSS file?

I'm currently in the process of implementing a dark theme on my website, and my current method involves using 2 style sheets:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/flatly.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/darkly.css">

After that, I add or remove the "disabled" attribute to the darkly css link to enable or disable the dark theme.

While this approach does work, there is a slight lag in rerendering every time I toggle the dark theme due to a new network request being made to download the darkly.css file.

Is there a way to avoid this issue?

Answer №1

Make sure to review how you are including and excluding the disabled attribute. With pure JS, it should not require a re-fetch.

You can find a helpful reference in this gist that demonstrates this procedure.

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