Allowing Users to Easily Copy CSS ::before Content

Text inserted via pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after cannot be selected or copied.

Is there a way to change this behavior?

span::before {
  content: "including this text";
  When the text of this paragraph is selected and copied, all of it should be copied.
  <span>Not just part of it</span>.

I need a solution that does not involve JavaScript, but I am open to using acceptable JavaScript solutions, such as:

  1. a function that retrieves the text inserted via ::before for a given element.
  2. a function that sets the display of the ::before text for an element to none.

Answer №1

a method that accepts an element and retrieves the content of the ::before pseudo-element.

function fetchPseudoElementContent(selector){
     return window.getComputedStyle(
         selector, ':after'

a function that takes an element and hides its ::before text by setting it to display:none enter code here

 function hidePseudoElementContent(selector){
  // Apply custom style
      content:"" !important;

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