What steps can I take to decrease the padding of this footer?

Is there a way to reduce the height of the footer so it doesn't dominate the screen on both large and small devices?

import { Container, Box, Grid } from "@material-ui/core";

const Footer = (props) => {
  return (
        px={{ xs: 3, sm: 10 }}
        py={{ xs: 5, sm: 10 }}
        // bgcolor="text.secondary"
        // color="white"
        <Container maxWidth="lg">
          <Grid container spacing={5}>
            <Grid item xs={12} sm={4}>
              <Box borderBottom={1}>Help</Box>
            <Grid item xs={12} sm=4>
              <Box borderBottom={1}>Help</Box>
            <Grid item xs={12} sm=4>
              <Box borderBottom={1}>Help</Box>
          {/* change name of the website here */}
          <Box textAlign="center" pt={{ xs: 5, sm: 10 }} pb={{ xs: 5, sm: 0 }}>
            Website &reg; {new Date().getFullYear()}

export default Footer;

Check out the codesandbox for this footer - https://codesandbox.io/s/nameless-frog-ros09?file=/src/App.js

Answer №1

It appears that the significant padding is determined by the utilization of the px and py properties within the Box component.

Upon visiting https://material-ui.com/system/spacing/, we can ascertain that px denotes horizontal padding (padding-left and padding-right), while py signifies vertical padding (padding-top and padding-bottom).

Exploring https://material-ui.com/customization/spacing/, it becomes apparent that Material UI defaults to a padding value of 8 px for spacing = 1.

Furthermore, referencing https://material-ui.com/customization/breakpoints/, it is evident that xs pertains to extra small screens and sm relates to small screens.

Hence, the declaration of px={{ xs: 3, sm: 10 }} implies that both left and right padding equate to 3 * 8 px = 24 px for extra small screens, and 10 * 8 px = 80 px for small screens or larger (due to the absence of definitions for md, lg, and xl in the code).

An illustration denoting the impact of commenting out the px and py properties in the Box component is presented below.

 // Code snippet omitted for brevity 

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